Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Faith Hannah Lea, AE4FH

I saw a news post on the ARRL website about Faith being the only person selected for the Americas to go to the Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) camp in South Africa this summer. Faith, AE4FH, was licensed when she was 10 years old and now at the age of 13 has her Extra Class license. In fact, her entire family, including her younger sisters and older brother, are all hams. She was presenter at the Hamvention Youth Forum, has a YouTube channel promoting amateur radio, and also has a website/blog with her family. Faith has a GoFundMe campaign to help raise money for the trip to South Africa. If you can please support her. It's great to see young people active in the hobby. Here's a link to find out more about YOTA.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


I've been wanting to start a ham radio blog for a while. I'll use this first post to introduce myself and some of what I have in mind for this blog. My call sign is KB1PYC. I've been licensed since 2008. I was a member of the Nashua, NH Red Cross Disaster Action Team (DAT). The Nashua Ham Radio Club did a weekend class for the Red Cross and I received my Technician's license. I then joined the West Rockingham Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES). I was working full-time, going to school full-time, and had a new baby girl, and ham radio fell to the wayside. This past summer I was looking around online and noticed the flood of all the Chinese radios on the market. On Amazon Prime Day, I picked up a Baofeng UV-5R for under 25 dollars. I also listen to a lot of podcasts and one of them was the Ham Radio 360 Podcast. I noticed that they had started a new podcast called the Ham Radio Workbench podcast. This podcast got me excited about all the fun things that you can do in the hobby. I learned about DMR and bought a TYT MD-2017 from Main Trading Company. I've rejoined West Rockingham ARES and have been listening to ham radio podcasts and reading some of the new ARRL publications.

My background is in Electronics. I was in the Navy for 12 years as a Fire Controlman. I worked mainly on the NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System. I served on the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) and the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3). I got out of the Navy in 2006 and started working for a semi-conductor company as an equipment technician.

I would like to use this blog to post about all things ham radio related. If I'm working on a project or trying out some new method I would like to discuss it here. If there is ham radio related news, I will try to stay on top of it and post it here. If you have ideas or any comments please let me know. I will try and post about different podcasts and YouTube shows that I find and anything else ham radio related that I see and looks interesting.

Faith Hannah Lea, AE4FH

I saw a news post on the ARRL website about Faith being the only person selected for the Americas to go to the Youngsters On The Air (YOTA)...